Indeed, Yin Jye is very professional in her work

We spent numerous hours discussing our ideas and she took time to understand what we wanted. She is also very sharp-minded, and is able to answer all our queries on material, design and dimensions etc with precision.

Our ID Yin Jye, is recommended to us by a close friend, who has engaged her twice with their home renovation. At our first meeting, Yin Jye came across as a knowledgeable, experienced and passionate ID. Hence, we decided to engage her without looking further.
Indeed, Yin Jye is very professional in her work. We spent numerous hours discussing our ideas and she took time to understand what we wanted. She is also very sharp-minded, and is able to answer all our queries on material, design and dimensions etc with precision. All our last minute requests are also accommodated by her. Her team did their best to meet our very tight deadline too, thanks guys!
Thanks Yin Jye, for making our dream loft home come true, a cosy place where we can all live happily and comfortably

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