Eugene is also a very warm-hearted person and willing to provides help as long as he can

We got quotations from 4 different designers and we finally decided to choose Weiken because of the reputation of the company, reasonable price and most of important the professionalism of Eugene, who is quite talented, easy going and quick to respond.

It’s a quite smooth and pleasant experience to work with Eugene Xing from Weiken tradehub 21 Branch for our first time renovation of a resale 4 room HDB and we’d like to express our gratitude for the excellent job. We got quotations from 4 different designers and we finally decided to choose Weiken because of the reputation of the company, reasonable price and most of important the professionalism of Eugene, who is quite talented, easy going and quick to respond. Because our contract with landlord will be terminated two months later, we are a bit concerned if the renovation can be finished as soon as possible. Eugene informed us the progress from time to time and successfully managed the timeline which takes less than 6 weeks. Eugene is also a very warm-hearted person and willing to provides help as long as he can, like collection of shopping items, which saved my wife and me a lot of time and effort. A big thank you again.
Weiken tradehub 21的邢先生是一位经验丰富和热忱的ID,从一开始就给出很多中肯的建议,根据我们的想法不厌其烦地修改效果图,积极跟进定期报告,并最终在我们的租房到期之前顺利完成了装修。在装修过程中,由于厂家原因,原先选定的地板缺货,Eugene主动帮我们换到了一款更好的升级版地板而没有多收任何费用。装修期间,我们购买的一些家具和家电送货到装修的房子,Eugene也不辞辛苦替我们一一签收,为我们节省了很多时间。在装修结束后,不在装修范围之内的厕所水管有渗水的问题,Eugene也热心的联系水工免费为我们补胶。总而言之,作为第一次装修的屋主,我们对装修的进度和总体效果都非常满意,也非常愿意推荐Eugene给其他需要装修的同事和朋友,在这里再次表示衷心感谢!

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