为大家大力推荐一下Nicholas ,蛮好的


我们12月拿到bto,12月中经过朋友介绍找到Nicholas ,看他介绍得不错,回去考虑了一下,第二次见面跟他签的合同,我跟他讲因为我们很赶所以要尽快做完给我们,最好在过年前,所以他也是有帮我们赶,尽快帮我们画图,中间我也是有要修改柜子,有时候想法会变来变去,他都有配合,很晚了也会回信息接电话,会耐心解释,蛮负责任的,整个装修过程还是蛮顺利的,房子也装到了我们想要的样子,还有些东西也有免费帮我们做,所以我们很感谢他,辛苦他了,以后要装修房子可以再找他,为大家大力推荐一下Nicholas ,蛮好的.

We got bto in December. In mid-December, we found Nicholas after a friend’s introduction. I saw that he introduced it well. I went back to think about it. The second time we met and signed a contract with him, I told him that because we were in a hurry, we had to We, it’s better before the New Year, so he also helped us rush and help us draw pictures as soon as possible. In the middle of the day, I also have to revise the cabinet. Sometimes I think that the way will change, he will all cooperate, and will return to the information when The phone, will explain patiently, very responsible, the whole renovation process was still quite smooth, the house was also fitted to the look we wanted, and some things were also free to help us do, so we thank him for his hard work. If you want to renovate the house, you can find him again, highly recommend Nicholas for everyone, it’s pretty good.

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